The Independent Woman.

IMG_20171006_144846IMG_20171006_145641IMG_20171006_145004IMG_20171006_145101IMG_20171006_145457IMG_20171006_145522IMG_20171006_150244IMG_20171006_144924The independent woman is fierce
The flames that burn in her heart dance in her eyes.
She is compassionate,
Arms outstretched she lends her help.
She is unapologetic,
Shrewd in business and sound in mind, she refuses to play it down.
She is strong,
She carries the future of the nation for 9 months inside her and for 3 years in her arms.
She is authentic,
Everything is done her way, her pace and her style.
She is a multitasker,
She joggles her kids, family, career and dreams and none of them fall.
She is beautiful,
Every inch, curve or bump is beautiful.


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